Tuesday 28 August 2012

Getting inspiration...

Web search engine "StumbleUpon" is a really great tool to find some websites that are Book focused or Reading focused. The toolbar on this webpage can specify searches to categories or 'interests' such as "Books".
From doing some searching with "Books" as my 'interest' here are some blogs/websites that are useful resources to find the Classics! These sites also provide reviews!

15 Books You Should Have Read In 2010
74 Books To Read If You Love The Hunger Games
Books Every Intelligent Person Should Read
Books To Pass Onto Your Children

Formation and organisation

After making Facebook page "We Love Books." this book club now has eight members. Members are a combination of Occupational Therapy Students and my own flatmates. Currently, I am trying to coordinate a meeting of the group and to establish what books we will read and when meetings will occur (after consulting group members).
I feel like it is going to be a challenge to accomodate for all members of the group and fitting in around "reading speeds" and availability to meet up during the week or on weekends.
I have done some research around book club discussion topics and discussion questions and feel like there is a wealth of resources that I can draw from. Online, I have found discussion questions specific to a particular book e.g Pillars of the Earth aswell as generic questions that could be applied to most genres.

I am looking forward to getting started on the group and getting into a pattern where all members can contribute and enjoy being a part of the group.