Friday 14 September 2012

Thank You Karen Tay

Bookclub is still in the process of establishing a pattern and direction. We are meeting this week to discuss a book that everyone is currently reading/finishing off. Whilst browsing the internet for ideas on how to structure the book club and ideas on popular literature that could be used I found this Blog on which is a New Zealand news website featuring a number of blogs- one of these being a bookclub!
I might introduce the idea of following this bloggers books as she comments on a different book every week. Realistically, this would be too fast paced for us as we don't have much 'down-time'. I will bring the idea to the club when we meet and see if members would be interested in doing a 1-month read of different books inspired by Karen Tay- Reading Is Bliss

I am no chocolate fiend. In fact, I have a far more savoury than sweet tooth and don't often order dessert in a restaurant.
But by gosh, when I first read Joanne Harris' Chocolat, all I could think about for days afterward was chocolate. It wasn't because there were torturously exquisite descriptions of chocolate with "a tiny hint of chilli pepper" or "unrefined cocoa nibs from Guatemala", it was more because the characters danced off the page.
 - Karen Tay on Chocolat

And here is some VERY TRUE Book Etiquette by Karen Tay

Following Book Club I will continue to refer to this blog as I am always interested in reading new books that are recommended by people that I interpret as having a good understanding of what 'makes a good book'. My usual go-to person is my mother, but for now Karen will suffice.

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